Doctor Who: The Lost Stories

Big Finish Productions have announced “Doctor Who: The Lost Season”, recreating the original, never produced, season 23 with Colin Baker (The Doctor) and Nicola Bryant (Peri).

Doctor Who: The Lost StoriesLong, long ago (1985) the BBC put Doctor Who (then staring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor) on “hiatus” while pre-production was underway for it’s 23rd season. When the show came back 18 months later an entirely different Season 23 was produced. A few of the stories from the “lost” season 23 have been novelized but most have not.

Now Big Finish Productions (who have been producing amazing audio drama for years) announced that they’re going to be recreating the entire season on audio, including one previously unknown story.

Just a Reminder: Audiobooks = Reading

This comes up now and again, so I’m just going to take the time to remind everyone that if I’ve listened to an unabridged audiobook of something, I’ve read it. You may wish to exclude me in some way from up upon your high horse, but you can’t take away from me the fact that I have read the book (more here).

Go Listen: Stories of the Third Wave, Episode 6

The latest episode of Stories of the Third Wave, the companion podcast to Mur Lafferty‘s Playing for Keeps features a segment written by yours truly (performed by my lovely wife and I). It also features another great song from always entertaining Ookla the Mok.

“How to Beat Writers Block” Audio Course

I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, but Holly Lisle has released her first audio course (MP3 and PDF): How to Beat Writers’ Block (and Have FUN Writing From Now On) (which includes a copy of 21 Ways to Get Yourself Writing When Your Life Has Just Exploded).

Hopefully when things quite down for me I’ll post a review.

J.C. Hutchins’ “7th Son” Goes to Print

It’s been a big day for J.C. Hutchins. Earlier today he finished recording the last episode of 7th Son: Destruction, the final book in his 7th Son trilogy. More recently he posted a press release stating that the first book, 7th Son: Descent (previously reviewed) will be available in print from Saint Martin’s Press in 2009.

Congratulations, Hutch!