Writing Updates: June 2008

Here we go again. By now you should know the drill. I wonder where the time went, then blab on about my writing this month. I think I’ve been letting these posts take on too much weight so I’m going to try and breeze through this one ((If you notice any glaring mistakes, please let me know)) . I apologize for the lack of variety in my postings, but I’ve been using what free time I can on my writing.

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Writing Updates: May 2008

June is here, so it’s time to post my monthly writing update ((Yes, June has been here for some time, but it was June 1 when I started this post. That tidbit serves as a preview for how June is going so far.)). My concerted effort to try to hit at least 550 words a day in May paid off, and I often found myself blowing past 1000 words some days when things really got going. I was able to build good momentum that carried me from day-to-day ((I also made a conscious effort to follow my own advice.)).

I managed at least 13,697 words this month. I’m not sure what the exact number is because I’ve become accustomed to pulling my totals from my twitter archive and I found that a few tweets I thought had gone out either didn’t or were lost ((Just to be clear, I don’t blame twitter for my own carelessness.)). Even without my full number of words I did better this month than last, and that’s what matters. Of course, since I finished the big project, the question now is “What’s next?”

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