Tag: Neil-Gaiman
Neil Gaiman on Censorship by Rouge Librarians
1-Pass Day 33 (71519/93173)
Made some more progress last night. I’m feeling pretty ready to be done now. If anyone has some spare time they can lend me, I’d appreciate it.
Totally unrelated, but I found this pretty amusing. Oh, and if anyone wants to buy me one of these, I wouldn’t complain. I have just the spot for it in the yard.
Blogtagged: The Search for Joy
I’ve been blog-tagged by Holly.
I could take the easy way out. I did use “joy” in my last post, but that’s unfair, because I already knew I was tagged by the time I posted. I have to say, when searching the blog for the term “happiness“, it was a little disheartening to see what the internal search engine came back with.
Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.
I think of myself as a somewhat cynical person with a generally positive outlook. That might be completely untrue, as I haven’t really spent too much time in close self examination of late. I figure I know me pretty well, but I could be wrong.
So what’s my “One little thing that fills you with warmth, that bubbles you over with quiet happiness, or tickles you with its good-hearted hilarity, or makes you glad you just took a breath, and are getting ready to take another”? It’s pretty simple, really. It’s watching Vanessa when she’s watching her older sister, Rachel, play. The look of pure joy on her face when she watches her big sister is just indescribable. You get the feeling that there is just too much happiness for her little body to contain, and it’s beautiful.
Alright, I tag the following:
- Bohdel
- Dursin @ SecretMonkey.net (it’s not a blog, but it’s close enough)
- King Tractor
- markm
- Neil Gaiman (that’s my long shot)
The rules are here, so get to it!
Read to me
I found this article from the New York Times (hint: bugmenot.com) over at Neil Gaiman’s blog. It was a pretty good read, consisting of the differing opinions on audiobooks vs. reading.
I found some of the quotes irksome enough to comment on.