New WordPress Plugin: Use Google Libraries 1.0

Speed Up WordPress Using Google’s AJAX Libraries API

I’m happy to announce my new WordPress Plugin Use Google Libraries. This plugin loads a number of standard Javascript libraries used by WordPress from Google’s AJAX Libraries API CDN. What’s that?

The AJAX Libraries API is a content distribution network and loading architecture for the most popular, open source JavaScript libraries. […] Google works directly with the key stake holders for each library effort and accepts the latest stable versions as they are released. Once we host a release of a given library, we are committed to hosting that release indefinitely. […] We take the pain out of hosting the libraries, correctly setting cache headers, staying up to date with the most recent bug fixes, etc.

Or, in plain English, it should make your site load faster. It could also make other people’s sites load faster too, if they’re also using this plugin.

Supported Libraries

Any WordPress themes or plugins that load any of these libraries via enqueue_script() should automatically take advantage of Use Google Libraries.

Why not give it a try?

There’s nothing earth shattering here, but my goal was do one thing and do it well. You can read the documentation and download the plugin from the Use Google Libraries page in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

4 thoughts on “New WordPress Plugin: Use Google Libraries 1.0”

  1. Got the plugin, nice idea!
    But, when you click on the plugin’s name in the plugins list of the admin panel the link back to your web site is wrong as it gives a 404 error.
    Thought you would have liked knowing it…

  2. I am on a shred server so that might be a reason of loading all my blogs slowly. Perhaps this plugin can do something and could help loading them fast. I’ll be installing it on my 2-3 blogs to test the performance.

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