I’m about 29% of the way through moving from the section of my basic outline labeled "Opening" into the section labeled "Middle".
I’m not as far along as I had hoped, but I’m making progress.
Jason Penney's thoughts on writing, life, and other stuff
Stuff I’m creating
I’m about 29% of the way through moving from the section of my basic outline labeled "Opening" into the section labeled "Middle".
I’m not as far along as I had hoped, but I’m making progress.
I’m about 16% of the way through the conversion after an hour on it this morning.
Currently I’d need 480-576 words/phase.
I hear someone waking up, so I’m done for now.
I’m making my way through phasing the outline. I’m about 14% of the way through the basic outline.
I’ll need about 541-650 words per phase to reach my goal word count. Sounds doable, but I hope to flesh it out more in a second pass once I’m done.
I’m working on a novel. Actually I’m taking the "Only a Novel" class at Forward Motion . It’s a two year class (started in January 2004) by the end of which I should have a novel written, edited, and at least be in the process submitting it to markets.
Anyhow, my basic outline is done, and I’m now working my way through converting it to a Phase Outline. It’s going well so far, and I’ll keep you all updated on my progress.
Anyhow, Kung-Fu class has made me tired and I’m off to bed.