A Friendly Sharktopus for Christmas

Shopping for presents for my wife, Denise, isn’t easy. She usually just says she doesn’t need anything, and leaves you to guess.  This year she unwittingly helped me out. In late September she was semi-randomly pushing buttons on the TiVo remote while I was getting ready for bed (as she often does) when she came across the description of Sharktopus (2010):

Genetically engineered, a monster that is half-shark and half-octopus goes on a killing spree.

“Why can’t it ever the good halves of things? Why can’t it have a big smile and wave to eight people at once?”, she asked. After thinking about it a bit more she, rather sadly, commented on how the outcome would probably be the same with people killing it out of fear when it tried to hug them.

The next morning I woke up and found I couldn’t shake the image of a happy, friendly sharktopus, smiling and waving.  My thoughts immediately went to Natalie Metzger. I though she might also find the idea humorous, and as we already have some of her art and photography hanging in the house I figured I’d see if she would be willing to take a commission based on the idea.

Natalie responded positively, and send along her (very reasonable) price sheet.  I looked it over, and my brain exploded.  There at the end of the list was “(~1ft.x1ft) stuffed animal”. Stuffed animal! How awesome would that be?

I asked if an 8×10″ and stuffed animal could be done in time for Christmas.  About a week later I received a sketch. It was better than I imagined. Perfect. Well,almost. It only had one tooth, which gave it an amazingly cute smile, but knowing Denise I was pretty sure she envisioned it having a very toothy shark grin.  I managed to bring it up again in conversation and confirm my suspicions without awakening hers. I let Natalie know and she quickly made the change.

Soon after this arrived via email:

The Friendly Sharktopus

The stuffed animal took a little longer, but when I saw the photos Natalie sent I knew Christmas couldn’t come soon enough. Luckily the box came on a day when I was working from home and alone in the house.  I opened it, took a quick peek at the awesomeness it contained, then packed it back up and hid it just as I heard the garage door opening.

I wrapped the print, and the stuffed animal separately and made sure Christmas morning that these two particular presents were the last left under the tree.  I gave Denise the print to open first, and she understood at once what it was (and even recognized the artist on the spot). I could see she was pleased.  When I handed her the big giant box she had a bit of a “how are you going to top that one, and what in the world is this giant thing?” look on her face.

Then she opened the box:

Denise and The Friendly Sharktopus

Links of Interest (August 7th 2007 through August 15th 2007)

Doubles champ
Interview in the New Zeland Herald with Jemaine Clement. Discusses his new movie Eagle vs Shark, and the possibility of a second season for Flight of the Conchords on HBO.
Television Studios Embrace BitTorrent
It appears an exec at Warner Brothers Television used his neighbor’s child to leak the “Pushing Daisies” pilot via BitTorrent to help increase it’s exposure.
The Optimus Prime PC Case Mod
PC case transforms into a 6’10” Optimus Prime. Images with and without Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
I Return To Doctor Who And Meet Kylie Minogue
Colin Baker visits the set of the 2007 Doctor Who Christmas special “Voyage of the Damned”.
Inflatable dress turns into a chair for impromptu sits
Feel like sitting down? Walk around for a bit in this dress and it will turn into a chair. Why? I have no clue.

Merry Christmas!

I just want to take this time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. For those that celebrate the day, I hope you have a wonderful, stress-free experience. I know so many people who dread the Christmas family get together, but I look forward to it all year.

I hope to see a lot of people this week I don’t get to see often. As much as part of me wants to hole up in the office to make up for all the writing I didn’t do this week, the rest of me is really looking forward to that as well.

If you want to do something nice for someone at Christmas, drop on by The Secret Monkey Shop and buy something. It’s been a tough year for Ye Olde Turbo Crew. Show some support, if you can.