“Now Reading” plugin and WordPress 2.8

A fix for the issues the “Now Reading” plugin was causing with my WordPress 2.8 upgrade.

Overall my WordPress 2.8 upgrade went fairly well, at least as far as any site visitors would see. The admin was a different story. ((If you’ve ever used the Google Gears/Turbo Mode stuff in the WordPress Admin, I advise you to do the upgrade in a different browser because it seems to be responsible for a lot of problems folks are having with the automated upgrade)) After some poking around ((and upgrading one of my own plugins)) I was surprised to find out it was Rob Miller‘s fabulous Now Reading WordPress plugin ((It powers the library pages here on the site.)) preventing me from editing posts.

I’m not sure exactly what changed in WordPress to trigger the issue, but after some poking I tracked down the problem, and I think I found a solution other than removing the plugin.

In the file wp-content/plugins/now-reading/url.php, look for the following:

function is_now_reading_page() {
global $wp;

I commented out the call to $wp->parse_request(); and it fixed the problems I was having with the site admin, and so far it seems Now Reading is unaffected by this change.

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