Links of Interest (May 3rd 2007 through May 7th 2007)

Lost’s end in sight.
“Lost” has three more seasons (but with only 16 episodes each), ending in 2010. It’s still one of my top five shows, and I’m glad they are planning a definitive ending (not because I want it to go, but because it can’t go on forever).
DryerFox – It’s like Firefox, but inside a dryer!
Just what it sounds like.
IE 8: Opt-in for standards compliance
Apparently there will be a way to tell IE8 “my site is standards compliant”. I imagine that means the default assumption is “my site works in IE”.
MASSIVE: Microsoft May Acquire Yahoo for $50 Billion
Peter Cashmore’s take on the news that Microsoft is in talks to buy Yahoo! My immediate reaction is to wonder about Pipes and YUI.
Science Fiction and Politics University Course continues
“Professor Courtney Brown’s course at Emory University is a Political Science course entitled Science Fiction and Politics (Political Science 190).” The lectures are available free for download and as a podcast.
Can e-books hurt your eyes?
As someone whose vision is not at all good, this is near and dear to my eyes. Also this is one of the reasons I avoid DRM crippled e-books and PDF e-books. I want to view e-books on my preferred device, with my own font size choice.

New Feed

I had been trying to find a way to consolidate some of the content I create for a while now. My sidebars are over-filled as it is, so I didn’t want to go sticking twitter and cocomment widgets all over the place. At the same time I’d like people who are interested to know that I’m active (sometimes when I don’t have time to post I still manage to comment elsewhere). I think I’ve found the answer thanks to Yahoo Pipes. I fooled around with it a bit, and created a consolidated feed partly based on Dougal Campbell’s LifeFeed (which seems as good a name as any).

It seems to work pretty well (although twitter seems to be timing out so usually only a single post makes the combined feed). I added it to the Subscribe box and replaced Recent Posts in the sidebar with Recent Activity. If I ever finish the site redesign I’ll probably make a nicely displayed version available on a separate page.