New Feed

I had been trying to find a way to consolidate some of the content I create for a while now. My sidebars are over-filled as it is, so I didn’t want to go sticking twitter and cocomment widgets all over the place. At the same time I’d like people who are interested to know that I’m active (sometimes when I don’t have time to post I still manage to comment elsewhere). I think I’ve found the answer thanks to Yahoo Pipes. I fooled around with it a bit, and created a consolidated feed partly based on Dougal Campbell’s LifeFeed (which seems as good a name as any).

It seems to work pretty well (although twitter seems to be timing out so usually only a single post makes the combined feed). I added it to the Subscribe box and replaced Recent Posts in the sidebar with Recent Activity. If I ever finish the site redesign I’ll probably make a nicely displayed version available on a separate page.

Site moved, update your bookmarks

Welcome to my sites new home. I had been hoping to have some exciting new stuff ready to go first, but I don’t. Anyway if you bookmark the site or link here (which I appreciate), could you please update your links to point to

Existing links should continue to work for some time, but not forever.

Mentioned on ‘I Should Be Writing’

I thought I had posted this at the time, but apparently I didn’t.

My One Pass Revision effort was mentioned on Mur Lafferty’s I Should Be Writing (show #41, June 17, 2006). Thanks to Mur for keeping me honest in front of a larger audience.

If you haven’t heard it before, you really ought to check it out.