Here’s a parody of Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” I wrote after a twitter discussion with Mur Lafferty.
So this morning I was feeling rather uninspired (which is odd for me in the morning). While I wasn’t doing anything very productive Mur Lafferty tweeted the following:
I replied:
To which she replied:
So I thought about it for a bit. Then inspiration hit, and here’s the result. Disclaimer: This is a work of parody. I’m not endorsing the use of pink meth and crack, or anything of the kind.
Continue reading “Pink Meth and Crack”
If you’ve been following me on Twitter or via my Lifefeed you may have seen some recent references to SOLIDARITY! Check out I Should Be Writing #76 in which Mur Lafferty interviews JC Hutchins about the phenomenon. You’ll also hear a rather rushed sounding voicemail from Yours Truly.
- The World in the Satin Bag: Stuffs For Us Writers (Part One)
- Software and gadgets for writers
- Nostalgy Thunderbird Extension
- This is probably the most useful, time saving Thundrebird extension I’ve ever used. Try it out.
- Jason Penney@ iStalkr: Social Feed Aggregator
- My iStalkr page
- Now Reading 4.3.6
- New version of “Now Reading” wordpress plugin
- Twitter Tools README
- README for Alex King’s Twitter Tools wordpress plugin.
- Seven JavaScript Techniques You Should Be Using Today
- Some JavaScript best practices.
I had been trying to find a way to consolidate some of the content I create for a while now. My sidebars are over-filled as it is, so I didn’t want to go sticking twitter and cocomment widgets all over the place. At the same time I’d like people who are interested to know that I’m active (sometimes when I don’t have time to post I still manage to comment elsewhere). I think I’ve found the answer thanks to Yahoo Pipes. I fooled around with it a bit, and created a consolidated feed partly based on Dougal Campbell’s LifeFeed (which seems as good a name as any).
It seems to work pretty well (although twitter seems to be timing out so usually only a single post makes the combined feed). I added it to the Subscribe box and replaced Recent Posts in the sidebar with Recent Activity. If I ever finish the site redesign I’ll probably make a nicely displayed version available on a separate page.